November 1, 2011

November is National Blog Posting Month

Whether you believe it or not, but November is a National Blog Posting Month according to BlogHer. So I took on a challenge to write at least one blog post a day.

Day 1.

Several good news today. I got a new job (yay!) withing the same company (double yay as I did not have to sacrifice vacation time or benefits) with a 14% salary increase (triple yay?). My sister-in-law left my home town this afternoon to come over and became our living-in nanny for LadyBug. She will be flying from Moscow to Boston tomorrow. I really do hope it will work out for all of us. I have to admit I am nervous.

First day without caffeine. Definitely going thought the withdrawal - experiencing headaches. It was not as hard last time as I went to no caffeine from being on decaf only for two years. You can say that if I do not want caffeine, I can stick with drinking decaf. A year ago I would have agreed with you. Last spring I did some extensive research and found that the chemicals they use to extract caffeine from coffee beans are more harmful to you that caffeine itself. I have been drinking decaf for almost two years by then - two pregnancies and breasfeeding prevented me from drinking caffeine infused beverages. I had a few months of coffee / tea free summer until the stress took the best of me. I needed some coffee, and I needed it badly. I ended up drinking four to six cups of coffee a day (thanks to , and I gave up to coffee industry. So here it goes - no caffeine for me from now on (read "no coffee or tea unless it is an herbal tea"). Let's see how long it lasts this time :)


1 comment:

  1. Yeah for the new job!!!

    Keeping fingers crossed for the new nanny to work out!

    Caffeine, mmmmmmmmm
